Let's move in the Equinox balance of dark and light.
Let's feel for the body, breath, earth song that sings sap through roots and limbs.
Let's water seeds of creation.
Let's welcome the Spring sun to renew and enliven our dancing prayers.
All are welcome here: all bodies, races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, abilities & disabilities, and movement experience.
Rituals of Belonging 3 - Collective
A 5Rhythms & Open Floor Workshop w/ Layah (5R) & Majero Bouman (OF)
In these times of disconnect and division, there is a yearning to come together--
To meet the living mystery of our collective unfolding,
And to move in the poetry of belonging.
What groups do we long to belong to? When do we claim or shame our belonging?
How do we dance with the known, unknown, and secreted stories of our peoples?
What does being in a group call forward in us, whether welcome or not?
How can our movement practice help facilitate affiliation and expand the dances of our collective belonging?
Together we will weave a weekend of individual, dyad, and ensemble exploring and remembering, supported by the 5Rhythms and Open Floor movement practices.